Thursday, June 28, 2012

Put down the Oreos and move to Canada.

Today the Supreme Court upheld the healthcare mandate commonly known as the Obamacare ruling.  Government mandates and the healthcare system are both terribly complicated, multi-faceted issues and I can understand some points on both sides of this argument.  But good heavens, at the uproar.  Social media sites and workplace conversations are all atwitter (pun intended) over it.  Some people have even gone so far as to say- or tweet - or post- that they are so disgusted with our government that they are considering moving to Canada.

Canada. Really?  The country that already has socialized healthcare?  You are going to move there to avoid a socialist system?  Well, at least you will avoid having to live in a country where English isn't the ONLY official language. I'm sure that will be a relief. Oh, wait.... Parlez vous Francais?

This same afternoon I saw several posts/tweets about a gay pride ad that featured a multicolored, six-layered Oreo.  I thought it was really pretty and hey, it had six layers of gooey stuff in it.  I wanted one.  Or seven.  But some people really disliked that ad because of it's inclusive message.  So much so, that they are "boycotting" Oreos.

Oreos. Really?  A cookie made from totally unhealthy processed food by a multinational company often accused of environmental insensitivity and exploiting low-wage workers?  Okay, maybe a boycott is not crazy, here.  But you are boycotting a cookie.  I am sorry, but it is hard for me to take that seriously. Especially since you are against the cookie because the cookie was used to symbolize something you don't like.  Yeah, that is important.

Can we take a step back and try to gain a healthy perspective here?  Is it sane and reasonable to leave a country because they passed a law that you don't like?  Unless you are schizophrenic or horribly confused, this can't be the first one that disgusts, irritates or scares you.  No matter what you deem important or sacred, there is a United States law or tenet that violates it, somewhere.  If you reject every commercial product that at sometime, somewhere, was used to promote something you don't like, you are going to be reduced to eating homegrown food,  catching lightning bugs for entertainment and wearing.... uh.... well, you won't be wearing anything.  There is no fabric, clothing manufacturer or fashion line that hasn't promoted or been promoted by just about everything.  Eating homegrown food, spending more time outside and being mostly naked might actually be a healthier lifestyle for you.  But I bet you aren't going to stick with it for long.

Let's be clear, I am not making fun of these people for disapproving of homosexuality or for worrying about the direction of our government.   No, I am making fun of them for implying that they are going to completely reject and/or leave a snack food or a country because, basically, they didn't get their way.  It is the adult equivalent of "If you won't play my way I'm taking my ball and going home".   It's juvenile.  It's obnoxious.  It's just silly. 

There is no institution, no country, no religion, government, organization, no person, place or thing that is going to do everything just the way you want it all the time.  This is called reality.  Get used to it. Grow up.  Do you file for divorce the first time you lose an argument with your spouse?  Do you leave a church the first time the sermon rubs you the wrong way?  Do you give up your child for adoption the first time she blatantly defies you?   Do you refuse to drink water because your enemies drink it too?  What kind of petulant, spoiled child ARE you exactly?  I think you should put down the Oreos, pack your bags, and move to Canada.  We won't miss you.

Those of us that remain will hopefully continue to struggle for what we believe individually to be right and best.  Maybe we can do it in a way that is respectful, even of those with whom we disagree.  In a way that is conscious that our way is a good way, but it is not the only way.  

1 comment:

  1. I will be stealing '...leave a snack food or country'. Great post
